Happy Mommy Monday everyone! It's Monday, Mommy Monday to be exact! Moms aren't just woman as many of you know, moms and dads sometimes have to play a different role. They have to be daddy's and daddy's have to be Mommys.
Life has a funny way of showing love to so many that need and want the love. Dads have to come home and braid a child's hair, when they don't even know how to paint a little girls thumb nail or even know how to talk about that special tome of the month to there child. Or talk to there child about other things "A mom would talk about" All they know is that, the hair they just combed on there daughter and the outfit they just picked out for there son for school that morning is going to look great and there proud of it.
Mom's have to be dads as well, some moms don't know how to throw a ball or to teach there child to do most things "Dads would be there for" or the things "Mom would be there for" it's all a work in progress. Moms have to be both mom and dad and dads have to be both dad and mom as well, and you know what? That's alright as long as you try, you don't ever fail.
Sometimes its your neighbor that's the parent to the child or even the teacher that is there sometimes just someone who will be there. So always take into consideration that a mommy isn't just someone who will have the baby or even the one who will claim the child or tittle. sometimes its the grandmother that was always there or the aunt that help wipe away every tear, or even the woman that said "ill be your mommy, i love you." A mommy is a strong woman/person one who will be there for her child at anytime because a mommy comes in any shape or form.
I would like to say thank you to all the Mommys that wer and stil are there for me. I love you, Lucy and I both do.
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