My Special Whistle

  #newvideo is live a #storytime of My Special Whistle, this special video is dedicated to my special friend Sam​, for everyone that always ...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mommy Monday: Do What Works

Can you believe still in this world we live in so many moms still have to hear the words "no do it like this" or "you have to do this, or your doing it wrong". Trust me I hear that first hand from the woman I know. People want to tell you that you are a bad mom for doing it a different way then there used to seeing or doing.

As you can tell from the moms I've interviewed, they all have different styles of doing what works for them. All different moms, but there mom's. some love to much some over love some love just as much as they want, and any way that works for that mom is alright to me as long as there is love in the heart.

I want to tell all you moms out there if you ever come across the day when you can't smile, or love the one that brings you joy or headaches in life or even a Lego on your foot, or Hey maybe even a fever late at night and you have to stay awake all through the night. To just remember those nights and look into those eyes and I promise that there won't ever come a day like that.

I love you moms so much and all that you do, don't ever forget to smile and know that you all are superheroes.


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